Bangladesh Nationalist Party European Union Delegation

Our mission to make Bangladesh great

We are very pleased to inform you that the European Union Convening Committee of Bangladesh Nationalist party was just formed on 26th april 2012 in convention held at stockholm, sweden in presence of about 60 delegation from 13 European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, norway, portugal, spain, Switzerland, and the United kingdom)

Aim and objective of the formation of this European convening committee:

To unite a Bangladeshi citizen’s activist of Bangladesh National Party residing in the countries of European Union

To coordinate and represent activities of existing committees of Bangladesh national party in the countries of European Union.

To create a relationship with the other countries government, political parties, and political groups in the European Union and represent the interests of BNP in the European Union and the people of Bangladesh residing in the European Union.

To create a working group to observe closely the political situation, particularly use of abuse of power, political persecution, extra judicial killing, torture and violations of

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